The Town's Zoning Bylaw page, https://www.sidney.ca/zoningbylaw provides a good overview of the changes, a copy of the draft Bylaw, and Tips to Understanding the Zoning of your Home. Public Open Houses and one Information Session with a presentation by staff are planned:
- Open Houses at Town Hall, mornings, May 6 to May 10.
- Information Session 5-7 pm Tuesday May 7th at Mary Winspear.
Because the province requires each municipality to pass new zoning before June 30th, the schedule is very tight.
A Public Hearing will take place in early June.
Our Official Community Plan designates the Roberts Bay shoreline, most of Armstrong Point, and Mermaid Creek as Environmentally Sensitive Areas. To the extent possible under the new provincial legislation for current single family zoning, Sidney's draft Bylaw attempts to provide for environmental preservation by providing larger setbacks and minimum lot sizes for new development in the R1-ESA and R2-ESA zones.